Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CFD Practice : Modeling Transient Compressible Flow

tue,2010 16th Feb

I modeled the transient flow of air through a nozzle. You learned how to generate a steady-state solution as a initial condition for transient case, how to set solution parameters for implicit time-stepping.

I also learnt how to manage the file saving and graphical postprocessing for depedent flows, using file autosaving to automatically save solution information as the transient calculation proceeds.

Finally, I learnt how to use ANSYS FLUENT's solution animation tool to create animations of transient data, and how to view the animations using the playback feature.

Given Problem :-

Flow through a simple nozzle is simulated as a 2D planar model. The nozzle has an inlet height of 0.2 m, and the nozzle contours have a sinusoidal shape that produces a 20% reduction in flow area. Due to symmetry, only half of nozzle is modeled.


Solution Animation :-

Pressure of Nozzle

Mach number of Nozzle

Solution Graph :-

Scaled Residuals

velocity vectors colored by velocity magnitude (m/s)

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